2018-07-25 檔案登錄
顏九笙/調查員 檔案調閱2428次
- 《獵食者:戀童癖、強暴犯及其他性犯罪者》(Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders),安娜・莎特(Anna C. Salter)著,鄭雅方譯,張老師文化,2005年。
- Kinchin, David and Brown, Erica (2001) Supporting Children with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Professionals. London: David Fulton Publishers.
- “California Mass Kidnapping: After Being Buried alive, Victims Relive Nightmare”, by Holly Yan, CNN, 29 Dec. 2015
- “HEALTHTALK: Children and the Aftermath of Trauma”, by Sandy Rovener, The Washington Post, 12 Nov. 1982
- “’Little Heroes of Medicine’ Teach Experts to Treat Childhood Trauma”, by CBS News Staff, CBS, 31 Jan. 2002
- “Chowchilla Bus Kidnapper James Schoenfeld‘s Own Words Add Insight to Crime”by Gail Marshall, The Fresno Bee, 29 Aug. 2015
- “’I still sleep with a night light’: Survivors of 1976 school bus kidnapping reveal their enduring fears – as their captor is freed”, by Daily Mail Reporter, MailOnline, 13 Sep. 2012.
- “Parole Denied Again for Frederick Woods, Last of 3 Men Convicted in 1976 Chowchilla Kidnapping to Remain in Prison”, By Associated Press, 19 Nov. 2015
- “Chowchilla kidnapper Richard Schoenfeld paroled”, by Rachel Gordon, SFGate, 16 Jun. 2012
- “Chowchilla School Bus Kidnapper James Schoenfeld Freed on Parole, May Be in Bay Area”, by NBC Bay Area Staff and Wire Services, 7 Aug. 2015