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  1. 《獵食者:戀童癖、強暴犯及其他性犯罪者》(Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders),安娜・莎特(Anna C. Salter)著,鄭雅方譯,張老師文化,2005年。
  2. Kinchin, David and Brown, Erica (2001) Supporting Children with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Professionals. London: David Fulton Publishers.
  3. California Mass Kidnapping: After Being Buried alive, Victims Relive Nightmare”, by Holly Yan, CNN, 29 Dec. 2015
  4. HEALTHTALK: Children and the Aftermath of Trauma”, by Sandy Rovener, The Washington Post, 12 Nov. 1982
  5. “’Little Heroes of Medicine’ Teach Experts to Treat Childhood Trauma”, by CBS News Staff, CBS, 31 Jan. 2002
  6. Chowchilla Bus Kidnapper James Schoenfeld‘s Own Words Add Insight to Crime”by Gail Marshall, The Fresno Bee, 29 Aug. 2015
  7. “’I still sleep with a night light’: Survivors of 1976 school bus kidnapping reveal their enduring fears – as their captor is freed”, by Daily Mail Reporter, MailOnline, 13 Sep. 2012.
  8. Parole Denied Again for Frederick Woods, Last of 3 Men Convicted in 1976 Chowchilla Kidnapping to Remain in Prison”, By Associated Press, 19 Nov. 2015
  9. Chowchilla kidnapper Richard Schoenfeld paroled”, by Rachel Gordon, SFGate, 16 Jun. 2012
  10. Chowchilla School Bus Kidnapper James Schoenfeld Freed on Parole, May Be in Bay Area”, by NBC Bay Area Staff and Wire Services, 7 Aug. 2015